Month: July 2016

The Retreat Bag

I got an opportunity to meet up with the Arizona Sew and Sews group on this project of working on a Retreat bag.I learned a lot of new techniques and as well as a lot of inspiration from the ladies .I thoroughly enjoyed myself interacting with them as well as felt lot happier to find a similar group I can learn with.I am really thankful for Betsy,Lou my teacher,Slvia and Susan.Am lot happier to interact with Helen and MaryAnn and few other mates .Genie’s treat apple pie cake  was too delicious and it fed my hungry tummy 😉

Waiting to meet all of them again on another project !!!!

RT03 Edited

Edited RT 3 The two versions …one is the bigger and the other is the smaller .

RT Edited 02RT Edited 01

I just loved the way the zipper has turned out.The shape ,the space it gives you to keep your stuff is huge.Now this elephant printed smaller version of the bag is for my Elder son and the larger one is for myself to carry my sewing accessories .

This time i couldn’t get some good pictures of this bag as half way thru my boyz came and there ends the photo shoot of the bags and have to take some clicks of my boyz 🙂

Have a great day!!!!






Passport Holders

I went crazy doing these passport holders.Though it took a long time to finish as my boyz are on vacation and none of my work gets completed at this time.

I just love these fabrics that I purchased in Bernina Connection,Pheonix ,Arizona.

I almost did around 6 Passport Holders.

It can hold 4 Passports

Air tickets

3 Credit Cards

2 Pens

Cash and Coins

I was trying to take some clicks of the holders but could not resist taking because of the colours 😉

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Do have a look on how it is on the inside of the Holder



Hope you guys liked my work!!!!!

Enjoy ur day 🙂